Isnin, 28 Mei 2012
Malaysian Politics
KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has pointed out that the Opposition has repeatedly failed to win the Federal Government and is concerned of what they may resort to the next time they lose.
He wrote: "Barisan Nasional has faced various internal problems but has been able to overcome them and has retained power at the federal level. Factions from Umno led by Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar Ibrahim did not succeed in toppling BN.
In 2008 hatred for the rule of Abdullah caused many supporters of Umno and other component parties to decrease their support for Barisan Nasional to the point that five states were captured by non-Barisan Nasional parties. At the federal level Barisan Nasional’s majority decreased to less than two thirds of seats in Parliament. However, Barisan Nasional still got to form the Government at the federal level.
Consecutive victories since independence crippled the will of non-Barisan Nasional parties. An attempt by Anwar Ibrahim to infiltrate Umno to usurp power from within also failed.
What must be acknowledged by all parties, by all Malaysians as well as foreign observers, is that until now the electoral process has not been able to topple Barisan Nasional.
A majority of Malaysians continue to hand victory to Barisan Nasional. And why not? All are forced to accept the fact that Barisan Nasional governments have brought development and other blessings to the people. Barisan Nasional has succeeded in bringing peace and prosperity to Malaysia.
Every Malaysian has enjoyed a happier, more prosperous life under the rule of Barisan Nasional. Any attempts by opposition parties to decrease support for Barisan Nasional, and the good perception people have of the governments it has built, have failed.
Looking at the history of independent Malaysia and the results of its elections, opposition parties cannot be confident they will win GE13 and form the Federal Government. They cannot succeed through democratic means.
Seeing the overthrow of governments in Arab countries, it must have crossed the minds of the leaders of the opposition parties that violent and prolonged demonstrations are more likely to help them realise their ambitions.
But they need to show to the people, and more importantly to the outside world, that the Barisan Nasional government in Malaysia is cruel and oppresses the people like the iron-fisted governments of the Arab states.
Thus Bersih came into being. Supposedly the Federal Government cheats in elections, even though it has been proven that opposition parties in Malaysia can win and have done so several times if the people support them, whereas in Arab countries not only have the governments that are overthrown never lost, but 99% of the votes went to them…and it is still said the Malaysian Government cheated in the General Elections.
The Government has made the electoral process more transparent in accordance with the wishes of opposition parties. But they still accuse the Government of cheating.
There are so many accusations of injustice and evil thrown at the Government, just to tarnish its image.
The large and violent Bersih demonstrations are preparations to reject the decision of GE13 if opposition parties fail to win.
Their loss will be followed by violent demonstrations that will not end until the result of the election is rejected and another Government is put in place. Later they will try to have another election, one which they can manipulate."
Read more (in Bahasa Malaysia) at CHE DET.
Source: MOLE
Not so friendly?
KUALA LUMPUR : The Wall Street Journal, perceived as a sympathiser of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, has come up with an article stating if the Opposition leader "wants to practice civil disobedience, he can't pretend to be innocent at the same time."
The recent WSJ article is focussed on Anwar's involvement in the recent Bersih 3.0 rally.
The WSJ writer is of the opinion that Anwar did indeed practice civil disobedience and by doing so he can’t pretend to be innocent, in relation to the flouting of the Peaceful Assembly Act, of which Anwar is being charged.
The article suggested that a much better way of convincing the public that the Peaceful Assembly Act is an unjust law is for Anwar to plead guilty and pay the fines after being charged for being a part of an illegal assembly under the act.
The article credited Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s reform but stressed that the opposition parties has good reasons to criticise them as inadequate.
The WSJ article attracted a very strong reaction, labelling the WSJ writer’s opinion as a combination of both stupid and ignorant.
Using “Rupe Murdock” as his/her byline, the writer stated that he hoped WSJ was not spoon-fed by some agencies or individuals linked to the Najib administration.
"Rupe Murdock" further chastised the WSJ writer and questioned whether the publication was now hiring primary school students, pointing out that if Anwar pleaded guilty (as suggested by the WSJ) and fined more than RM2,000, he will be disqualified from contesting in the next general election.
But "Rupe Murdock" should probably read on another WSJ article on the same issue - a favourable write-up towards Anwar and addressed what the outcome would be if Anwar is found guilty of flouting the Peaceful Assembly Act.
Though rare, another time that the WSJ has published an article that caused more than blushes for Anwar and his supporters was less than five months ago.
In an interview in January, Anwar was quoted by the WSJ as saying "I support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel."
He was roundly criticised both locally and abroad, sparking conjectures that Anwar had uttered those words to please his pro-Zionist supporters abroad especially from Washington.
Source: MOLE
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Ucapan Terakhir Seorang 'Pejuang' Anugerah Tuhan
Akar nibung meresap,
Akar mati di dalam perahu,
Kampung terbakar kelihatan asap,
Terbakar hati siapa yang tahu.....
Ucapan terakhir Anwar Ibrahim di Perhimpunan Agung Umno '97
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Apa yang menarik minat hari ini adalah penglibatan bekas Pendakwaraya kes liwat Anwar terhadap Saiful Bukhari iaitu Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, tampil dan bertindak sebagai peguam Anwar dlm kes cetus rusuhan Bershit 3.
Dengan kehadiran Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden sebagai peguambela Anwar hari ini maka penyokong-penyokong PR mendabik dada kerana kononya beliau telah menyertai PR seterusnya memberi kredit kepada mereka dalam menggulingkan BN/UMNO. Disini Hantu Raya ingin menyorot kembali keputusan kes liwat Saiful Bukhari yang mana Anwar Ibrahim didapati tidak bersalah yang mana perbicaraan tersebut turut melibatkan Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden sebagai pendakwaraya kes walaupun beliau menarik diri pada setelah perbicaraan berlangsung. Untuk bacaan lebih lanjut sila baca di sini
Persoalan yang ingin dibangkitkan oleh Hantu Raya ialah mungkinkah wujud satu konspirasi dari awal lagi perbicaraan kes liwat tersebut?
Adakah wujudnya hubungan secara langsung atau tidak langsung antara Anwar dan juga Mohd Yusof sebelum ini iaitu semasa kes perbicaraan liwat berlangsung?
Pandangan peribadi Hantu Raya disini keghairahan PR untuk menggulingkan kerajaan BN/UMNO kadangkala menjerat diri sendiri. Begitu juga golongan oportunis menyertai PR yang mungkin bercita-cita untuk menjadi calon PRU13 kadangkala memberikan impak yang tidak baik kepada PR itu sendiri.
Adehh sakit kepalaku! |
P/S: Nak jadi Ketua Hakim Negara
Hantu Raya difahamkan bahawa Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim , YB Azmin Ali dan Chegu Bard akan didakwa di Mahkamah Jalan Duta jam 9 pagi 22 Mei ini di atas pertuduhan mencetuskan huru-hara semasa Perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 28 April yang lalu. Untuk bacaan selanjutnya sila baca di sini. Mari kita lihat sedutan video semasa kejadian :
Sama-samalah kita tunggu apakah keputusan mahkamah nanti.Hantu Raya di sini menegaskan bahawa orang yang bertanggungjawab merosakkan keamanan negara harus menerima hukan yang setimpal akibat dari perbuatan mereka itu.Bersama kita menjaga keamanan negara kita.
Isnin, 21 Mei 2012
Adam Adli Bertanding dalam PRU?
Adakah ini permainan DAP,PKR dan PAS untuk mempermainkan mahasiswa bagi menagih undi simpati dari rakyat? Sekiranya Adam Adli atau calon SMM menang dalam PRU nanti apakah portfolio yang bakal diberikan oleh PR,mungkinkah portfolio pelajaran atau pengajian tinggi kerana seingat Hantu Raya, Adam Adli mahupun mahasiswa SMM hanya ada sijil SPM sahaja, layakkah mereka ini memimpin dan menerajui sesuatu portfolio?
Dan bagaimana pula jika mereka kalah? Adakah harapan untuk mencerahkan masa depan mereka atau akan menjadi budak pembancuh kopi untuk Lim Kit Siang yang sudah berumur Senja?
Jika kakitangan kerajaan atau pun swasta diletakkan sebagai calon untuk bertanding dalam PRU atau PRK, maka mereka perlu meletakkan jawatan, bagaimana pula dengan mahasiswa?
Adakah mereka perlu berhenti belajar dan tidak berstatus mahasiswa?
Di sini Hantu Raya nak menegaskan bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak memerlukan pemimpin yang bertaraf pemberontak dan tidak berfikiran matang untuk memimpin negara yang tercinta ini.
Pesanan Hantu Raya kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang berminat terjun dalam politik; sila tamatkan pengajian anda dahulu,dapatkan segulung ijazah dan jangan jadi tunggangan kepada pihak-pihak yang tak bertanggungjawab.
Tugas anda adalah untuk membalas jasa-jasa ibu bapa anda. Pemimpin pembangkang tidak pernah keluar walaupun setitik keringat demi memberikan pelajaran kepada anda.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Ayuh TUKAR!Selamatkan Selangor dari parasit-parasit yang merosakkan.
Pesanan kepada semua yang terlibat, BERANI BUAT BERANI TANGGUNG!
Ahad, 20 Mei 2012
Pendapat peribadi Hantu Raya baguslah dua parti besar Umno dan Pas hendak bekerjasama demi perpaduan ummah tapi dikhuatiri juga ada niat lain disebalik cadangan muzakarah ni. Benda muzakarah ni bukanlah perkara baru sebelum ni pun mmg dah ada bibit-bibit nak buat muzakarah ni.
Semalam Nik Aziz dengan nada berbeza meletakkan syarat pulak
1)Muzakarah perlu dibuat sebelum PRU13.
2)Kalau nak bersatu dgn PAS, Umno kena tukar dasar kebangsaan secara rasmi kepada Islam
Ada pro-kontra dalam idea muzakarah PAS-Umno ni, yang pertama. Boleh menyatukan umat Islam Melayu khususnya yang sekarang ni terpecah 3 golongan UMNO-PAS-PKR,penyatuan yg boleh mengukuhkan institusi politik negara yang mana pihak luar akan takut dengan pergabungan ni.Kita tidak mahu sejarah kejatuhan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka berulang kerana perselisihan tamakkan kuasa sesama bangsa.Tapi jika dilihat dari sudut lain, PAS seolah-olah mengalihkan isu, untuk menarik undi dikalangan Melayu Muslim yang mana dengan cara ini mengurangkan tekanan dari Umno dan pengundi atas pagar tentang kepincangan PAS seperti lembu dicucuk hidung, ditonggeng ke sana ke mari oleh DAP dan PKR bagi meraih sokongan pengundi Melayu.
Saranan Hantu Raya kalau PAS betul-betul ikhlas nak bermuzakarah dengan UMNO janganlah letak sebarang syarat dan buatlah seberapa segera yang boleh jangan sampai Anwar Ibrahim main peranan mengganggu cadangan ini yang ternyata akan merencatkan sedikit cita-cita beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.Satu soalan ditujukan kepada TG Nik Aziz, kena mintak persetujuan Anwar Ibrahim ke nak buat muzakarah PAS-UMNO ni?Wallahua'lam
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone